The Unites States Department of Labor reports that thousands of people are blinded each year from work-related eye injuries. It is estimated that eye injuries account for $300 million per year in damages. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (“OSHA”) requires that employees utilize eye protection when handling chemicals or toxins or working with machinery. OSHA has strict requirements that employers abide by these requirements to prevent injuries. It is estimated that approximately 90% of all workplace injuries are preventable with use of protective eyewear.
Eye injuries oftentimes happen with shipbuilding, welding and occupations involving heavy machinery. One of the major causes of eye injuries is dust, particles or toxins entering the eye area. These damages can result in the loss of sight in one or both eyes. Some of the most common dangers and causes of eye injures include:
- Metal debris
- Glass particles
- Heavy machinery
- Tools
- Chemicals
- Toxins
There are several vital steps that can avoid workplace eye injuries such as
- being aware of dangers and hazards at work;
- eliminating hazards before commencing work; and
- using the proper protective eyewear.
Employers must provide workers in welding positions or other jobs utilizing heavy equipment with proper protective equipment. For example, when a hazard from debris or flying objects poses a risk, OSHA requires that employers provide eyewear that has detachable side protectors.
If you’ve suffered from an eye injury, it is important not to rub the eye and try to flush it out. Placing a cold compress can also help relieve any pain. The most important thing is to seek medical attention immediately. It may also be necessary to treat with an ophthalmologist.
Please contact our law firm for a free evaluation. We have extensive experiencing handling a variety of personal injury claims.